Everything you need to know about base oil

Base Oil can be called to those products which are the basic building block of any lubricant. Such products are also called as base stocks sometimes. In other world Base stocks are mineral extracted from petroleum. They are of synthetic origin and are used for specialized applications. The base stock acts as basic lubricating requirements for different lubricants. There are different kinds of base stock like Base oil Sn500 which are used in different manufacturing industry and it acts as a raw product for production of several other important product used widely across the world for eg : bright stock 150 supplier in kuwait

Where to get base oil?.

It is commonly known that Base oil is used in different manufacturing unit across the world but it is important to understand that many industries and refineries are responsible for its productions. They make just the required amount and are responsible for its supply so that the essential requirement of base oil can be met. These processes are carried in well established refineries and oil industries.


Classification of base oil:

Base oils can be classified in different categories on the basis of their basic chemical properties and nature.

Often they are classified as

  • Paraffinic
  • Naphthenic
  • Aromatic

For example the well known aromatic base oil is White spirt or low aromatic white spirit suppliers

According to viscosity, they can be classified under various neutrals

• 150 SN
• 500 SN
• 600 SN

The well known example of 600 SN is Base oil Sn600. here SN stands for Solvent neutral

Base oils are also classified by the kind of treatment they get during refining:

  • Solvent neutrals – If it is selectively treated with different solvents then such base oil can be called as solvent neutrals.
  • Hydro-finished base stocks – If they are produces by refined hydro-finish process they are often referred as called hydro-finished base stocks.
  • Hydro-cracked base stocks – If they are made by process of cracking of heavier molecules, they can be called as hydro-cracked base stocks.

Base oils are also classified to their viscosity index:

  • Low Viscosity Index (LVIs)
  • Medium Viscosity Index (MVIs)
  • High Viscosity Index (HVIs)
  • Extra High Viscosity Index (XHVIs).

Kinds of base oil which actually exist around the world:

There are several kinds of base oil which are present around the world and they come in different form with different chemical properties. Fluids, lubricant, chemical compound and gases are some of the kind in which these base stock are present. Some of the commonly known base oils that are known to actually exist are

  • Olefin Oligomers (PAOs) Dibasic Acid Esters
  • Polyolesters
  • Alkylated aromatics
  • Polyalkylene glycols
  • Phosphate esters
  • Vegetable oils like Rape seed oil

Common known base oil and they applications:

  • Napthenic base oil is a type of base oil which is widely as a final lubricant. It work only at a moderately lower temperatures.
  • Paraffinic base oils are commonly used when the Viscosity Index requirement is high. It works when temperatures are moderate and not that low. These kind of lubricating base stocks used exist as one of the largest kind.
  • Aromatic base oils are widely used for processing oil and this is there and this is their main application.
  • Extra Solvent treated paraffinic are seldom used to make turbine oils.
  • XHVI base oil has very low volatility and thus is used to make thinner oil which is works well also in extreme cold weather.
  • Synthetic base oils are used in various applications where the temperature is either too high or too low.

Read Also: Synthetic base oils and their pros and cons

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